Tag Archives: Ari Gavriel Frausto

The war against Hamas and the volunteers (9)

Continuation. For previous materials click 1234567, 8

In this material I present photographs taken on  February 18 to 21.

Every day a have interesting meetings.

In one of the days I met a group of people from different countries who had arrived to Israel the day before through the Taglit program.

Steve Kagan, 60 years old, from Bergen. Came with a group of Americans. Family in Israel

On the right, Julie Altman from Cambridge and Beryl Youngleson, a teacher from San Diego, came for 10 days

Stuart Bear, 64 years old, MN Lawyer from Minneapolis, came for 2 weeks

On the right is Daniela Pupkin, 21years old, a new immigrant from Chile, living in Herzliya

Birthday of Amnon Epstein, who came to the “Eran’s Angels” volunteer center every day for 2 months

Stuart Bear with wife and Caren Hammerman, 64 years old, from Scarsdale, a town and village in Westchester County, New York. Came for 2 weeks with her daughter who lives in Israel

On the left are Oliver Stanton, 59 years old, a businessman from Florida, Jan Lampit, 21 years old, from Hadera, raleased from the army in december 23 was fighter in search and rescue unit, and Gonen Barlev from Netanya

Vered Golan, an Israeli designer, she lived in Dallas for many years. Father is from Petah Tikva

Photos of February 18


Maya Lior Moscowitch, architect, from Tel Aviv

Sam Pittman, 18 years old from New Jersey. Im on a program spending the year in israel before I go to an american college. I love to volunteer here

Jonan Shainberg, 22 years old, from New York, just graduated college and working. Arrived through with Masa program for 6 weeks

Angelica Schanzer from New York, Special education teacher.  Reading specialist, speaks Hebrew, family in Raanana. Here for a week visiting  my family and daughter Brianna, who is studying on a year-long course in Midreshet Amit in Jerusalem

On the right is Shiri Tsuk from Atlanta, speaks Hebrew.

Luda Kupstaitis Kushnir from Tel Aviv and Terry Duffy, 67 years old, from Maryland. He speaks Hebrew, completed 3rd grade in kibbutz Maagen Michael in 1980, after which he volunteered in kibbutz Misgam Am. Married, three sons, daughter and four grandchildren

Annabelle Kersner. I moved to Israel about 30 years ago and work as a school psychologist. My sister from New York came to Israel now to volunteer during these difficult times. When we are united, we are strong!

from left Howard Blady, 67 years old, and Kenneth Marcus, 69 years old, from New York

Stuart Katz, 60 years old, from Israel, Scott Taub, 42 years old, from North Woodmere – is an unincorporated hamlet in the Town of Hempstead, New York, located in far western Nassau County on the South Shore of Long Island in the Town of Hempstead and Samantha Blady from New York

Alice Edery, 47 years old, from America, architect and realtor, speaks Hebrew, sister lives in Petah Tikva and Daniela Pupkin

On the left Janina Dujovne from Santa Fe, Argentina, a teacher at Bialik High School, Esther Zafrati, an accountant, and her daughter Limor from New York. We arrived for 16 days

Jody Comins, 56 years old, from Framingham, YSA divorce mediator, speaks Hebrew. Came for 6 weeks

Rivka Lang, 27 years old, from Melbourne. Tel Aviv University student

Photos of February 19


On the left is Sharona Yunayev from Or Yehuda,  PWC Israel volunteer

On the right is Nathan Teichert, 29 years old, a cowboy and brother Lincoln, 27 years old, a university student from Wyoming. Arrived for 3 weeks

The Hamburger family from Manchester, England. Marissa is a pharmacy student, Cindy is a teacher and schoolgirl Libby. Pictured below is Dan Hamburger. Came for a week

Ella Cohen from London, came with Masa program and American

On the left are Tal Navon and Eli Argaman, PWC Israel volunteers

Alannah John, 24 years old, a university student in Georgia, arrived for 3 weeks

Tal Segal, 32 years old, came with the group from Utah. Hebrew at native level

On the left are Jen Kimel, 30 years old, from Toronto, and Israeli Ayelet Wolf

Dan Hamburger from Manchester

On the left is Chaya Simon, a repatriate from America, 2 years in the country, lives in Jerusalem

26-year-old Russian-speaking security guard, lives in Netanya, accompanies groups of foreigners on bus trips around Israel

Photos of February 20


Max Pickman, 22 years old, student from New York. Arrived through the Taglit program for 10 days

Matthew Shore, 32 years old, from Westchester, New York, work in healthcare operations as a project manager. Volunteering with Taglit Birthright Israel’s Onward program. Speaks Hebrew

Joshua Friedman, 25 years old, from Vancouver. Works in high-tech and Rachel Haimovich, 24 years old, graduated from college

Nikita Afanasyev, 24 years old. I study politics in Heidelberg. Moved to Germany in 2003 from Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Odessa region and Ari Gavriel Frausto, 25 years old, from Colorado. Arrived through the Taglit program

Irene Kaufman, 26 years old, from Chicago, finance commercial real estate, David Adatto, 70 years old, from Scottsdale, Arizona, and Noam Shapiro, 31 years old, from New York, theater producer & director

Irene Kaufman from Chicago. My family immigrated from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in 1989. My dad a mathematics professor, was in Israel in January volunteering

Robert Liveanu, 32 years old, forester, from Montreal

Benji Davila, 22 years old, student, from London

On the right are Michelle Stern, 33 years old, entrepreneur, from Sydney, and Julia Horowitz, 26 years old, retail, from California

A group of volunteers who arrived through the Taglit program, and Luda Kupstaitis Kushnir, who joined them at the bottom right

After the end of the volunteer day, we stopped at the wall with the pictures of the abducted on October 7. On the left an Israeli from Jerusalem, on the right is a volunteer from America

Photos of February 21

Published 02/28/2024, 23:54

Also in Russian and Hebrew