Once I had made a decision to write my travel notes for LA, I shall continue…
Today my daughter and I were at the Pacific Design Center. However, all museums are closed these days.
An amazing structure made up of three huge colorful buildings. From the outside, it looks like a Rubik’s Cube.
We walked around the showrooms and the feeling was as if we were visiting a museum of contemporary art and design.
Rubik’s Cube
The whole complex was built at different parts, at different times and by different architects.
The Blue one was Built in 1975 by Argentinian architect Cesar Pelli. It is very long and deep blue, therefore it received the nick name BLUE WHALE.
Blue Whale
The green building was created in 1988 by the architect Norma Merrock Skarel.
And the most outstanding of the three buildings, the red one, completed the whole story in 2013.
Red Block – Red Building
The total surface of the Design Center is 160,000 sq meters.
It holds congress halls, classrooms, a huge fitness club and two restaurants.
One hundred showrooms, where the best furniture and decorative designers from around the world present their art. Interior designers come here to choose the best for their customers’ home space.
Passersby usually do not just walk in this place; you probably need a specific reason for coming here. But since we live in such a complicated time when everything is a big mass, it just happens to be that then my daughter and I found ourselves in these interesting buildings.
Just the day before, we were driving to a completely different meeting. It was with my artist friends, we went to a small gallery. Life goes on and we decided to go there despite everything, of course we registered in advance. It was a very interesting visit to this wonderful, small, but very special gallery.
On the way there, I saw from a distance a huge Blue Whale building made of glass. My son in law immediately checked in the map what it was. We read that it was a place called the Pacific Design Center and I decided I would go visit there later.
Being back at these huge showrooms, we were fascinated by the variety of painting styles, sculptures, executed with different techniques and materials as wood, fabric, metal, stone and glass. All kinds of lamps and lightening facilities completed the atmosphere. All this is was presented here for a variety of likes and tastes.
Map of LA City
A part of the Center is also dedicated to the Contemporary Art Museum space and it is a branch of the MOCA Museum.
Quite unsuspectedly I was surprised of a striking trend in the objects presented in decorative sculptures reflecting appearance of the Corona Virus, which became the villain of 2020. I guess artists could not pass this character from our era …
My attention, however, was riveted to the heart sculpture made from the green malachite stone.
Malachite heart
At the entrance to each showroom, masks and gloves were carefully prepared for visitors.
In a period of general sadness and limitations, experienced such an unexpected and inspiring day.
Finally it turns out that our whole life is a one big journey. I read in Vadim Zeland’s book “Reality Transurfing” that we come to visit this world, like a very attractive museum. This museum has its own Observer, who accompanies us and helps us realize the location of the halls and the essence of the exhibitions. It depends on us which hall to go to, what to see and what to learn.
Chair for the giants of thought
Israelites on the main chair of the aircraft
My poodle
We are back in the Museum
Olga Goller
Original in Russien here
Published 14/01/2021 21:49