Tag Archives: Bedouim in the Galilee

Exhibition IMTM 2023 in Tel Aviv

The Ganey Taaruha complex in Tel Aviv hosted the 28th International Mediterranean Tourism Exhibition IMTM on the 14-15 of February 2023

It was attended by representatives of the tourism industry of dozens of countries, as well as Israeli firms, hotels, kibbutzim, other tourist facilities, municipalities of cities such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Netanya, Herzliya, Zefat, Ashdod, Eilat. I regularly visit such exhibitions, and make photo reports every year. I can mention such countries as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, United Kingdom, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro, Switzerland, Albania, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, Malta, Brazil, Colombia, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and etc.


14 februar

Renata de Vuono – Brazil

 Noritomo Katsuki – Kuoni Tumlare Japan

Fiona Kosmin – Israel Ministry of Tourism, Canada


Doston Muminjonov Umarbek Esanmurodov – Uzbekistan



Miraziz Mirzaakhmedov – Uzbekistan 24                    Alexandr Zhitnik – TravelHacks.guru


Evgeni Brish – Medical SPA Egles sanatorija & Rasa Kmitiene – Palangos turizmo Lithuania


Yoko Moskovich –  Israel                                            Leisan Arash – Simplex Israel

for left: 1) Fabio Frassetto – Incomum, 2) Andre Salgado – Domundo, 3) … … – … 4) Christian Neme Soliva – Bancorbras Turismo, 5) Fabiano Camargo – Ct Operadora, 6) … … – … Brazil

Lydia Dearden – Not in The Guidebooks & Jamie Greystock – Dnata — Gold Medal UK

Darsey Smith – Norvegian Cruise Line UK & Eyal Solomon – Norvegian Cruise Line Israel


Rotem IluzNativ FilibiaYuliana Gadilov – Visit2Israel

Ira & Moriya Rockman –  Smiling House Switzerland


Sarah Avitan & Yiftah Getz – Izraex

Neringa Sedelske – Amber Tours & Donata Katkute – Medical Spa Gradiali Lithuania

Domas Dargis – Medical Spa Gradiali


Ksenia Kobi & Natali Edelman – Ahava

Spyridon Nikologiannis – Meteora Municipality Greece

Ana Morais & Gonsalo Veiga – Natura IMB Hotels Portugal


Andrea Petrusova & Liudmyla Voitiuk – SPA Dudince Slovakia

Matej Hutej – Region Tatry Travel


Vitor Bezerra & Rosa Silva –  Living Tours Portugal & Spain

Luis Santos – Turim Hotels Potrugal & Adelaide Maria – Visit Potrugal

Joao Ferraz – Vila Gale Hotels Portugal

Alexandre Leitao – Agencia De Vlagens Portugal

Aleksandr Kudryavtsev – Dolores Travel Group Uzbekistan

Victoria Kats – JSK Uzbekistan Airways

Feruza Makhmudova – Ambassador Uzbekistan in Israel

Eva Tsabali – Mykonos Best & Ioannis Xylouris – Holidays2 Greece

Konstantinos Pletsas – Grecotel Greece

Ales Sturm – Renee Tours & Galina Tarasova –  Slovenia

Andrea Jemc Vidic – Sava hotels Slovenia


Nino Tortladze                                                             Zviad Karchava – Samegrelo DMO Georgia

Ketevan Tevzadze – Mimino in Caucasus & Nely Akopova – Tbilisi Marriott


Ekaterine Kalandarishvili                           Irakli Diasamidze – Dreamland Oasis Chakvi Georgia

Tinatin Dumbadze – LLC Junny Tours Georgia

Choko Beza & Mordehay Mayo – Travelin Japan


Marcela Monroy – ProColombia & Leonardo Gonzalez Guzman – Embassy of Colombia in Israel

John Allan Esguerra – Superjet Tours United Arab Emirates

Valery Simagin – 1000 Ut Travel International, Hungary


Ladislav Spisak – Savoy Westend Hotel Czech Repablic


Tomas Barak – Reitenberger Spa Medical Czech Republic   Matija Micovic – Hotel Soa Montenegro


Svetlana Radmilovic                      Svetlana Vukadinovic – HG Budvanska Rivigera Montenegro


Shalom Morocco


Mirbek Asangariev  & Surga Abasbek – The Mountein View Kyrgyzstan

Kairat Itibaev & Maksat Usubaliev –  Kyrgyzstan


15 februar

Eric Suh – Bosuk Tours South Korea

Yunus Can – Korea Tourism Organization, South Korea

Hyein Kim &  Hyungchae Park – Net Tour South Korea

Hyungchae Park – Net Tour, … …, Maide Serin CigOfer Reinhard –  Israel … …, … …

Nave Klil HahoreshPelin Ozer, Yunus Can – Korea Tourism Organization

Cosima Watkins – Cathay Pacific Israel


Keren Nachmias – Open Sky Israel, Janet Grech Dimech – Malta Tourism Authority, Charles Calleja – Embassy of Malta in Israel

Yair Hironari Azar & Noi Masako Kikuchi – Japan National Tourism Organization


Koichi Mizushima – Ambassador of Japan in Israel & … …


Yusuke Tsutsumi – Second Secretary Embassy of Japan in Israel, Motoharu Ono, Mor Meshulam – Japan National Tourism Organization


Abdelkamel Ait Bouskri – Morocco Riads & Beyond USA

Jovan RisticDanica Banjevic, Emil KukaljDalibor Vukovic –  Montenegro

Bogdan MicovicBojan SutovicMatija Micovic – Hotel Soa – Montenegro

Jana Vrbova – Axxos Hotel & Ladislav Spisak – Savoy Westend Hotel Czech Repablic

Edith Molina – Premium Travel Morocco


Tuval Yakov – Embassy of El Salvador in Israel

Hana Aljazaeri – Plaza Holidays Israel


Silvana Malluta – Balkan Pearls Tour Operator Albania

David Le – Panhou Retreat Vietnam


Esther Rotlewicz – World Jewish Travel

Moti Bauberg – Eynav Information Technology Israel



… … & Talia Ebrahim – … Israel


Gassan Tarabia – Joint General Manager

Irina PolischukRoman KabilovOlga Polischuk – Israel


Vygantas Lazauskas & Natalija Lazauskiene – Regina Hotel Lithuania

Suleyman Akbarov – Millennium Tourism Azerbaijan

Durdana Baghiyeva  –  Baku Mariott Hotel &  Fuad Khaimov – Mountain Jews Museum in Jerusalem

Shmulik Ghimpel – שמוליק גימפל – Atlas Romis Consultant SRL, Bucharest

… … & … …     Romania


Tiberiu Friedmann –  Romaniaonline


Boico Adrian – The Booking Agency in Israel       Shukur Pardaev – Orient Mice DMC Uzbekistan

George Lazar – TLV Booking Agency Romania & Dragos Sonica – Atrium Hotels Romania

Lung Hsien Huang –  Taiwan


Hallelujan Abensera & Revital Guetta – Jerusalem Wineries




Asako Mizushima – Embassy of Japan in Israel

Vinod Kumar – Liberty International Tourism & Prasant Janarthanan – Millenium Hotels & Resorts, United Arab Emirates

Mariusz Paszkiel – Poland & Yasser Guennouni – Bahrain

Nikolaos Chatzikonstantis – Greece

Mikhail Feldman – Pac Group

Preparation and publication by Aaron Shustin

See also: Exhibition IMTM 2022 in Tel Aviv / Турвиставка IMTM 2022 у Тель-Авіві

From the site’s founder and administrator:

Please send complete names to undersign some pictures.

Discussion on the author’s page https://www.facebook.com/aar.sh.7503

Do not forget about the importance of supporting the site

Send us your stories on various topics, as well as stories about the business you are doing. It is possible to place your company logo on the main page of the site.

Published April 14, 2023  20:05

Exhibition IMTM 2022 in Tel Aviv / Турвиставка IMTM 2022 у Тель-Авіві

The Expo Tel Aviv hosted the 27th International Mediterranean Tourism Exhibition on the 29-30 of March.

В Експо-центрі Тель-Авіва 29-30 березня відбулася 27-а Міжнародна середземноморська туристична виставка.

Last year, due to the pandemic, the exhibition, which was usually held in February, was not held. Then it was postponed to autumn, then to February, but took place at the end of March.
And on February 24, Putin’s Russia, with the support of the Belarusian dictator, launched a war in Ukraine, the footage of which shocks the world more and more every day. But not all. So in Israel, with the participation of the Russian Embassy, a few actions took place in Tel Aviv and Netanya, justifying inhuman international criminals.
But even more cynical and vile is the position of the current Minister of Finance Liberman, who heads the “Russian” NDI party, known as a longtime friend of both dictators. After the retreat of Putin’s thugs, the whole world saw terrible footage of crimes in the small town of Bucha near Kiev, although there are dozens of such places, everywhere Russian fascism of the 21st century has been, he said that “not everything is so simple, each side blames each other but above all, Israel must think about its own interests.” I hope that this being, who has long been a disgrace to those Jews who have at least some kind of conscience, but who continued to vote for someone who escaped prison 10 years ago only by imperfection, and frankly speaking, by the venality of the judicial system, will understand that their idol differs little from their fellow dictators, they will forget about him at the next elections, which will most likely turn out to be extraordinary, will take place soon, where they will be able to send him to the scrap along with the “Russian” party.

Минулого року через пандемію виставки, яка зазвичай проводилася у лютому, не було. Потім її переносили на осінь, далі на лютий, але відбулася наприкінці березня. А 24 лютого путінська Росія за підтримки білоруського диктатора почала війну в Україні, кадри з якою з кожним днем все більше шокують світ.

Але ж далеко не всіх. Так в Ізраїлі за підтримки рашистського посольства відбулися нечисленні у Тель-Авіві та Нетанії. Але ще більш цинічною і мерзенною виглядає позиція нинішнього міністра фінансів Лібермана, який очолює “російську” партію НДІ, відомого як давнього друга обох диктаторів. Після того як після відступу путінських головорізів увесь світ побачив страшні кадри злочинів у невеликому місті Буча під Києвом, хоча таких місць десятки там де побував російський фашизм 21-го століття, він сказав, що не все так однозначно, кожна сторона звинувачує одне одного, та i взагалі Ізраїль повинен думати про свої інтереси. Сподіваюся, що це істота, яка давно ганьбить тих євреїв, які мають хоч якесь сумління, але продовжували голосувати за того, хто лише недосконалістю, а якщо прямо говорити, то продажністю судової системи, ще 10 років тому уникнув в’язниці, зрозуміють, що їх кумир мало відрізняється від дружків-диктаторів, забудуть про нього і на чергових виборах, які, швидше за все, виявляться позачерговими, відбудуться незабаром, де вони зможуть відправити в брухт його разом з “російською” партією.


Ruta Kapacinskaite, Lithuania



Seiichiro Takahashi, Embassy of Japan in Israel


Shay Fishbein, PassionFruit Man


Ilana Shenny, Neot Kedumim


Omri Toledano, Simple Profit


Yuval Filip, Simple Profit


Hagay Navon, Stones


Yossi Rosenberg, Roni Iron & Yossi Rosenberg, Mate Yehuda


Waruna Wilpatha, Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel


Tati Morag, Mate Yehuda


Ali Hmamdah


Eli Shashua, Arad & Gali Soffer, Goldstar bakfar festival


Reut Brown & Hagar Rozenfeld, Laufer Aviation-Ghi


Aharon Bar Hay


Shaked Goldman


Yuval Malka, Kiryat Shmona Municipality


Druze in the Golan



  Oded Feuer & Orit Helfgot, Herzl Centr


Jenny Vasserfirer


Jorge Vieira, Hotel Paco De Vitorino, Portugal


Omer Ben Zeev, Kishrey Tarbut Tevel, Israel & Marta Marques, Wild Douro, Portugal


Luis Pedro Martins, Porto & North Portugal


Raquel Rodrigues, Porto & North Portugal


Jeffrey Lafuente, Resort life Travel, Maldives


Nikola Perisa, Tourist Board of Livno, Bosnia & Herzegovina


Danijela Papic, Bosnia & Herzegovina


… …, Bosnia & Herzegovina


Heiwa Ishida, World Jewish Travel


Nativ Filiba, Visit2Israel


Shimi Azaria & Eran Hershkovitz, Howazit



Liran Bloch, Guestim


Liviana Ghiani, Sardinia & Renata Olejnika, Renata Travel DMC Sargedna


Dominika Pieniak, Poland Tour


Katarzyna Gorska & Anita Bagien, Poland


Magdalena Swiderska-Harrison, Warsaw Tourism Organization


Nadia Grzelak, City of Lodz, Poland


Shukur Pardaev, Orient Mice, Uzbekistan


Rafik Kurbanov, Twelve Stars LLC, Uzbekistan


Boryana Hristova, Marinela Hristova, Win Travel, Hotel Platinum, Bansko, Vladimir Filipov, Hotel International, Varna, Bulgaria


Tanja Mlakar, Tourist Board, Slovenia


Masa Plibersek, Thermana Lasko & Katica Skrinjar, Tourist Board, Slovenia


Rima Gedvilaite Blumenzon, Hebrey-Lithuanian Translator


Rima Gedvilaite Blumenzon & Egle Rytmetyte, Kaunas 2022, Lithuania


Ruta Kapacinskaite, Lithuania


Justina Baltramonaitien, Lithuania travel


Dovile Venckute, Lithuania travel


Vilijam Kvalic, Julian Alps, Slovenia


Rok Bulc, Slovenia


Salome Bubashvili, Ibis Tbilisi Stadium, Georgia


… … and … …, Georgia


Ekaterine Jikidze, guide of Georgia ALS, Nana Lordkipanidze &Tamta Leladze, DMO Imereti, Georgia


Tamar Mjavanadze, Travel to Georgia 2010


Anat Magen, Travel to Georgia 2010 & … …


Ketevan Nadareishvili, Georgia


Koba Abuladze, Georgia


… … Georgia


Amina Jarni, Sara Amezour, Dev Manwani, Morocco



Costa Del Sol, Malaga

Jose Puebla, Tecnica, Spain


Osnat Guetta, Tourism board tour Spain, Israel


Discover the treasures of Bahrein


Stephen J. Daniel, Wyndham hotel, Manama, Bahrain


Otman Mazour, Best of Bahrein & Ali Amralla, DMC, Bahrain



Avigail Silberg, Kerala tourism, India


Marina Al Sabbah, Hajjat tours, Jordan


Josselyn Ramos, Embassy of El Salvador in Israel


Iris Jimenez, Embassy of El Salvador in Israel


Javier Rojas, Embassy of Costa Rica in Israel


Sergio Omar Davila Perez, Embassy of Honduras in Israel


Lenka Knaperekova, United Arab Emirates


Jacob Tuckler, … …




Mushtak GafoorDanish Fairoz, Farhat Tours, Bahrain


Dubrovnik tourist board, Croatia


Sandra Milovcevic & Sandra Urlic, Croatia


Albania & Balkans


Silvana Malluta, Albania


Experience Trnava region, Slovakia


Katarina Nachamkes, Brazilian Embassy in Israel




Tania Sagi, Colombia




Maria Rowena Javier, Superjet tours LLC, United Arab Emirates


Anna Kuznetsova, Arrival Gate Tourism, United Arab Emirates




Suleyman Akbarov, Azerbaijan


Taleh Zeynalov, Quba Palace Hotel & Lala Huseinova, Hayatt Regency Baku


Fatima Hajizada & Sabina Nahmadova, Azerbaijan Airlines




Giorgios Broutzas, Greece


Gerard Panga, United Kingdom



Uri Alon, The Salad Trail & Tal Dudai, Alumim


Rohith Suvarna, United Arab Amirates


Yoram Ben Yaish, Nof Hagalil


Rada Raines, Nof Hagalil Municipality


Sharon Bar Cohcva, Best radio, Israel


Tania Garanin, Eilat municipal tourist corporation


Ella Trestin, Eilat municipal tourist corporation


Fabio De Marco, Forte Village, Italy


Ouahiba Bouchoir, Morocco


Moroccan National Tourism


Rim Jourhri, Dar Ba Sidi, Morocco


Housni Taoussi, Kenzi Hotels Group, Morocco


Joshua Burt, Mazal travel & event, USA, Gdaini Adnani, Mazal travel & event, Morocco


Katia Stark, Paris by Katia, France


Irina Kocharovska, Israel


Teri C. Bautista, Embassy of the Philippines in Israel


Neta Shernister, Israel, translator in the Philippine Embassy


Tamaz Akhvlediani, Georgia








Eyal Karoutchi, Tour TzfatNorth & Moshe Alon, Tzfat Winery


Bedouim in the Galilee




Kiryat Shmona, Upper Galilee


Benjamin Osterlind, Falcon, Israel


Gideon Badt, Berenice winery, Israel


I congratulate all the readers with Easter holidays!


Вітаю читачів з наступаючими пасхальними святами!


See also: Exhibition IMTM 2020 in Tel Aviv / Турвыставка 2020 в Тель-Авиве


Preparation and publication by Aaron Shustin
Підготовка та публікація Аарон Шустін

From the site’s founder and administrator:

Please send complete names to undersign some pictures.

Discussion on the author’s page https://www.facebook.com/aar.sh.7503

Do not forget about the importance of supporting the site This will help not only to pay the costs of maintaining and improving the site and its modernization, as well as encouraging the most active authors, but also to implement a number of charity projects.

Send us your stories on various topics, as well as stories about the business you are doing. It is possible to place your company logo on the main page of the site.

Published April 07, 2022  17:56

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Опубліковано 07 квітня 2022  17:56