I am proud to conduct the ISRANALYTICA 2023, the 24th Annual Meeting of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society.
During the past years the analytical chemistry field has developed constantly and has presented many innovations and developments.
The scientific program of ISRANALYTICA 2023 covers these developments as well as a variety of topics in analytical chemistry. From chromatography and mass spectrometry to nanomaterials, and from regulatory aspects to a new session on food analysis and agri-tech, the conference program offers interesting and broad insight to a diverse audience.
Over the last two years great changes have taken place in the daily lives of all of us. A large part of the changes will be reflected in research and innovations in the fields of analytical chemistry, most of which will be presented at the conference.
Leading researchers from the academia, industry, and government agencies in Israel and overseas will present their achievements and discuss exciting developments in different fields. The program will consist of several plenary lectures by prominent international scientists, oral presentations (in parallel sessions), featuring speakers from Israel and abroad and a large poster session.
Being one of the largest analytical chemistry conferences in the world, it is our commitment to provide the most updated and new information the world has to offer. That is the reason why more than 3,000 participants attended the previous conventions and exhibitions. This year the conference will be the chance of people all around the local and global industry to finally get together, meet and make new business and personal connections.
I wish you a pleasant and fruitful conference and hope to see you again next year in ISRANALYTICA 2023
Nir Ben-Moshe – Avba Hi-Tech Services
Sigal Eichler – Technion & Keren Tenenbaum – Primelab
Alina Rozin & Oskar Mamedov – Bargal
Omri Dvir
Yuval Borensteyn – Getter BioMed
Liu Tianzhuang – Chemspeed Technologies (Switzerland)
Yehonatan Naor – Bargal Analitical Instruments & Liu Tianzhuang
Igor Kabakov – Soltek, Maximilian Berkel – R-Biopharm (Germany), Keren Kopel – Soltek, Anna Gerards – R-Biopharm (Germany)
CSI Analitical Innovations
Daniel Weiss – Stati Tech
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